If as part of your business you are planning to import or export items such as:
- Raw Materials
- Goods or Products
- Machinery
- Semi-finished Goods, etc
Then you will need to obtain an Import or Export Licence before you can proceed with your import or export activities. You should submit the application for an Import or Export Licence as early as possible, before you make any contractual commitment. In certain cases, special import or export authorisations are required before obtaining the relevant licences, which authorisations are normally valid for one year.
You can get further details relating to your specific needs from the Trade-related Services and Projects Directorate. The Directorate also produces a number of booklets and other related material, covering matters of interest regarding importation and export of goods.
Additionally, the manufacturing/importation/installation of certain goods may also be regulated by the Technical Regulations Division at MCCAA. More product specific information may be found here.
last updated Feb 2025